Where do you go to join every faction in Fallout New Vegas? You can get some NCR rep by doing quests at the Mojave Outpost, which you run into soon after. If you have some NCR reputation (which you probably don’t yet) they’ll give a mission related to the powder gangers. The first time you’re likely to run into NCR soldiers is south of Primm. Where to find the NCR in Fallout New Vegas? To get the chance to join Caesar, you must continue the main questline until you reach the “Ring-a-Ding-Ding” quest. If their group interests you, it is possible to join their ranks and serve under Caesar. Can you join the legion in Fallout New Vegas? Under President Aaron Kimball, the NCR’s expansion has led it to the Mojave Wasteland, where it would encounter the impressive city of New Vegas, and the even more promising Hoover Dam.

The NCR would ultimately prevail and force the Brotherhood into retreat and hiding. What happened to the NCR after New Vegas?