Thanks to NexusMods user CoolWavez, the Wasteland can look much more appealing and even fantasy-like, with brighter colors, lush greenery, and radiant waters. This mod by user Mangaclub promises to add better reflection, improved opacity and an overall spectacular look to the waters of the Commonwealth with only moderate impact on performance. Some people prefer mods that present minor enhancements without messing with the spirit and original feel of the game. It works by replacing the first-person camera for a modified third-person camera, letting you see your legs and arms, as well as cast a shadow, instead of becoming a disembodied will with arms to shoot with. One of the most experimental mods in our list is Immersive First Person Settings by user Ppomme, a mod that promises to greatly improve the first-person camera… once all the issues have been worked out. Thanks to modder Mangaclub you can now replace the boring old vanilla clouds for something a little bit more realistic, adding both depth and grandeur to the skies above the Commonwealth. This mod aspires to bring just that into the world of Fallout 4, highlighting the red and blue colors by turning up the saturation and giving the Wasteland a stylized new look. So without further ado here are my top picks for the coolest graphics mods to throw into your game play.

I scoured the Nexus for days looking for just the right things to make the game look crisp, appealing, and, in some cases just different.

But as I walked the Wasteland, staring at the same old textures and washed-out color palette, it hit me - I was stuck in the Commonwealth for at least another six years.Īnd I needed to spice things up if I was to have any fun.